In late 2015 Sailing Fascination was introduced to the possibility of what the foundation could contribute to enriching the life of a Special Olympics athlete. Specifically, to the world of the youth, teen and adults that are challenged with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing year-round training and competitions to more than 4.5 million athletes in 170 countries. In Southern California alone there are over 20,000 Special Olympic athletes. Although varied in their disabilities, the one thing that runs common among many of these athletes is the idea that they have rarely, if at all, had the opportunity to be in control of any sort of apparatus. At the helm of Fascination 2 these athletes experience a new joy and an all new level of self esteem.
Nationwide Special Olympics supports 32 sports, including sailing, but not yet here in Southern California. In an attempt to bridge that gap, Sailing Fascination serves as an introduction to the rather competitive sailing that is done elsewhere in Special Olympics. Sailing Fascination has come along side of these athletes, their caregivers, and their friends to open a whole new world of sailing opportunities.
If you know of any Special Olympics athlete that you believe could benefit from the independence of some time at the helm, would you please put get them in contact with the foundation?